Tips for Government Contracting During COVID-19 - CT APEX

Tips for Government Contracting During COVID-19

  1. Develop a current, digital capability statement. (Click here to learn how.) This is necessary for remote networking for the foreseeable future.

  2. Use this time to consider new markets. Can you pivot your offerings from federal to state, or vice versa? Are there other government agencies you haven’t previously researched? As a result of the pandemic, are there any new opportunities arising that you could provide?

  3. Consider potential COVID-19 implications on your business or workflow. Consider these impacts on your supply chain, production, etc. If you have recently submitted a proposal and foresee inability to meet pre-COVID-19 requirements, communicate this with the agency before it is too late.

  4. Contact your contracting officer immediately if you anticipate any delays in execution of a current contract.

  5. Document any COVID-19-related instances that contribute to a delay in execution of a contract – supply chain issues, financial complications, etc.

  6. Communicate with your supply chain regularly!

  7. Reach out to your CTPTAC Counselor and update your bid matching to ensure opportunities appear in your daily emails.

  8. Participate in the weekly webinars to stay current on government contracting changes.

  9. Keep current on all your registrations.

  10. Stay informed.

Review cybersecurity obligations within your federal contract when allowing employees to work from home.

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Written by Valerie Marchand

Procurement Specialist

Groton Office


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