CT APEX Webinar: Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit Process -

Webinar: Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit Process

March 15, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Webinar: Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit Process

Presenter: Ishrat Nazmi, Procurement Specialist, CTPTAC; Joseph F. Greger, Senior Financial Liaison Advisor & Small Business Program Manager, DCAA, Audit Liaison Division

Registration Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V6Y8QlrzQN2ltvr6gJcEsQ
Please submit questions prior to the webinar to: ptac@ctptac.org


The presentation will provide an overview of DCAA’s audit process and some common items related to the audit process.  While each audit will very to some degree we will discuss some of the common items related to most DCAA audits and help answer some of the questions small business sometimes ask about the process.  Participants will learn the importance of adequate assertions, scheduling entrance and exit conferences, communicating throughout the audit, auditor site visits and requests for information.

Webinar: Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Audit Process

Joseph F. Greger, Senior Financial Liaison Advisor & Small Business Program Manager, DCAA, Audit Liaison Division

Mr. Greger is the Small Business Program Manager and is located at DCAA Headquarters in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.  In this capacity, he serves as the program manager and audit expert for the small business program with responsibility to provide assistance, consultation and internal control with regard to audit requirements and their application to small business.

Mr. Greger graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with a Master of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelors in Accounting.  He began his DCAA career as an Auditor at the Herndon Branch Office in Northern Virginia.  He was promoted to Supervisory Auditor then Branch Manager at the Springfield Branch Office.  Mr. Greger has also served in Headquarters as an OWD Program Manager in the Operations Directorate.

Mr. Greger resides in Alexandria, Virginia.


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